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Dafne Boggeri/Rhythm King And Her Friends (I/D) Il background multiforme dell’artista visiva ed attivista Dafne Boggeri si traduce nella scelta di non privilegiare un medium di espressione, ma di costruire un corpo di lavoro che utilizza fotografia, video, installazione e performance per indagare come forma e significato si articolano fra i confini dei media. Il suo lavoro e' stato presentato nelle mostre personali Relax, It's Only Me, in collaborazione con Sonja Cvitkcovic, Los Angeles (2007), Hidden line on explicit surface n.01, Centre Culturel Français de Milan (2006), Espace Experimental, Le Plateau, Parigi (2004) e in numerose collettive come il progetto iItalo-belga Looking for the Border, Mechelen, Strombeek, Milano (2007) e videoREPORT ITALIA_2004/05, Galleria d'Arte Contemporanea di Monfalcone (2006). Per la sonorizzazione del live media You can wake up now, the universe has ended, basato su immagini di una curiosa fiction/remake interpretata dall’artista stessa ed ispirata al cult movie Rebel without a cause (Gioventù ribelle) e girata sulle colline di Los Angeles, Dafne Boggeri ha chiamato il trio femminile berlinese Rhythm King And Her Friends. Rhythm King And Her Friends (Kitty-yo records) miscela e sintetizza con sofisticata intensità queer, sonorità elettroniche con melodie pop. Nei loro live i campionatori e le drum machine sono affiancati dai tradizionali chitarra/basso/batteria con liriche a due voci in inglese, francese e bulgaro. Dopo numerosi concerti in Europa e in America insieme a Le Tigre, Electrelane, Stereo Total, Lizzy on X,Cobra Killer, le RK&HF hanno recentemente registrato l’album Front of luxury, in cui atmosfere dance e beat sperimentali le hanno portate ad essere paragonate per energia a band come Stereolab o Luscious Jackson. Live-Media The multilayered background of the visual artist and activist Dafne Boggeri is transposed in the choice of not priviledging one medium of expression, rather of building a body of work which employs photography, video, installation and performance to investigate how form and content are articulated in the boundaries between media. Her work has been presented in the solo shows Relax, It's Only Me, in collaboration with Sonja Cvitkcovic, Los Angeles (2007), Hidden line on explicit surface n.01, Centre Culturel Français de Milan (2006), Espace Experimental, Le Plateau, Paris (2004) and in many group shows such as the project between Italy and Belgium Looking for the Border, Mechelen, Strombeek, Milan (2007) and videoREPORT ITALIA_2004/05, Galleria d'Arte Contemporanea di Monfalcone (2006). For the sound of the live media You can wake up now, the universe has ended, based on images in a curious fiction/remake interpreted by the artist herself and inspired by the cult movie Rebel without a cause and filmed on the L.A.'s hills, Dafne Boggeri invited the Berlin-based female trio Rhythm King And Her Friends. Rhythm King And Her Friends (Kitty-yo records) mixes and synthetises with a sofisticated queer intensity, electro sounds with pop melodies. In their live sets, there are samplers and drum machines next to traditional guitar/bass/drum with lyrics sung in two voices in English, French and Bulgarian. After many concerts in Europe and America with Le Tigre, Electrelane, Stereo Total, Lizzy on X,Cobra Killer, RK&HF has recentely recorded the album Front of luxury, where dance ambient and experimental beats creates a comparison between their energy and that of bands such as Stereolab or Luscious Jackson. www.surrenderwinona.com