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Charles Atlas/Chris Peck

Venerdi/Friday 26 Gennaio/January h 23.30
Palazzo Re Enzo


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Charles Atlas, filmaker e video-artista attivo dagli anni '70, vanta numerose collaborazioni con performer e coreografi che hanno fatto la storia delle performing arts: da Merce Cunningham a Michael Clark, da Douglas Dunn a Diamanda Galas. Si è confrontato con diversi linguaggi e ha realizzato installazioni multicanale, documentari, lavori per la tv, progetti multimediali e, recentemente, anche live electronics.
Chris Peck condivide con Atlas l'irrequietezza e la capacità di lavorare in numerosi e diversi progetti: collabora con vari musicisti (Chris Forsyth, Jaime Fennelly, Jon Moniaci tra gli altri) e con molte compagnie di danza e coreografi (tra cui Beth Gill, John Jasperse, David Horfmann ecc). A Brooklyn dirige un ensemble di noise acustico composto da 25 elementi.
I due hanno realizzato il live The Intensity Police Are Working My Last Gay Nerve per la biennale Performa05, un'opera che rappresenta un intenso riattraversamento di temi, estetiche e atmosfere delicatamente connotate da un intramontabile gusto per l'immagine video.
Charles Atlas, filmmaker and video-artist active from the '70's, vaunts numerous collaborations with performers e choreographers who have formed the history of the performing arts: from Merce Cunningham to Michael Clark, Douglas Dunn to Diamanda Galas. He has confronted diverse technical languages and realized multichannel installations, documentaries, works for television, multimedia projects and, recently, live electronics.
Chris Peck shares Atlas' restlessness as well as his capacity to work on numerous and diverse projects: collaborating with various musicians (Chris Forsyth, Jaime Fennelly, Jon Moniaci among others) as well as dance companies and choreographers (Beth Gill, John Jasperse, David Horfmann, etc). In Brooklyn he directs a 25-member acoustic noise ensemble. Together the two realized the live event The Intensity Police Are Working My Last Gay Nerve for the biennale Performa05, representing an intense recrossing of themes, aesthetics and atmospheres delicately characterized by an undying gusto for the video image.

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info: info@netmage.it info@xing.it press: pressoff@xing.it xing
artwork: moira ricci + invernomuto